Website Tools
Completely free Website Tools for your website

Working with our Website Tools, you’ll be able to build up your website’s worldwide recognition from your personal Web Hosting Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you will get complete sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You can easily submit the sitemap to major search engines so that they could scan your site in the shortest time. In addition, by way of the RSS News instrument, you could add regularly updated publications on your site, which is a promise for better rating positions with the major search engines. The GeoIP redirection tool will let you re–direct customers from a specific country into a specialized language variation of your web site for more accurate targeting end results.
A Sitemap Generator
For effective search engine listing
A sitemap is known as a listing of the pages within a site that can be accessed by spiders and clients. You may use a sitemap to inform search engines exactly which pages of your site you would like to be crawled. Furthermore, a sitemap may help your visitors find the way within your website. You’d normally make use of a 3rd party sitemap software to obtain a sitemap for your site. However, with Please host my site. Quality webhosting, you’ll get a sitemap creator by default available in your Please host my site. Quality webhosting Web Hosting Control Panel.
Within the Advanced Instruments section, simply click on Sitemap Generator and right after selecting the format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your web site will be set up in minutes and you’ll be able to send it to the search engines.
GeoIP Redirection
Direct visitors according to their whereabouts
Using the GeoIP re–direction tool that’s integrated into the Domain Manager of the Please host my site. Quality webhosting Web Hosting Control Panel, it is easy to re–direct your web visitors depending on their geographical area. For instance, in case you have several language versions of the site, you can easily create a particular language variant to automatically open for users from the location where that language is used. This way, when a user coming from France opens up your web site, she’ll be directly taken to the French version, without needing to change to French by herself. To employ the GeoIP re–direction tool , you will not need any kind of experience or special skills. Simply specify the physical location of the readers and the address of your web site that you want to load for them by default.
RSS News
Display the most recent news on your site
What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a method for publishing and gathering site content. It is becoming widely used by information sites, personal blogs, newscasts, and so on. The posted information is easily picked up through a feed aggregator and afterwards shown to the user. Working with RSS, clients will pick up news from different web sites and review them in a sole area.
Using our RSS News Publication application, you can quickly insert news feeds coming from some of the world’s most well liked news outlets and exhibit them within your website.